** COLORS ** - Standard background color HEX1A #7733AA HEX1B #73A RGB1 119, 51, 170 - Light logo color/Light background color HEX2A #FFFFFF HEX2B #FFF RGB2 255, 255, 255 - Dark background color HEX3A #373737 RGB3 55, 55, 55 - Dark logo color HEX4A #222222 HEX4B #222 RGB4 34, 34, 34 ** FONTS ** - Raleway Bold (letters) Font size should have the name extend from the separation in the beak down to the bottom 1/4 of the main circle Letter spacing is decreased slightly from Raleway's default value - Gotham (numbers) Logo (c)2014 TheBlackParrot, use in media is allowed as long as credit is given